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Kobido: Young FaceSkin in your hands

Kobido and facial anatomy

This book dives deep into the world of Japanese facial massage techniques, offering a comprehensive guide on how to give yourself a youthful glow right at home. The book takes you on a journey through the delicate art of facial massage, letting you in on the secrets of Kobido - monograph that promises youthful, glowing skin. By highlighting the intricate connection between Kobido and facial anatomy, the book effectively demonstrates the benefits of incorporating such practices into a daily skincare regimen. It's a whole holistic approach to skincare that really got me thinking about my own routine, you know? The illustrations in the book were so clear and helpful, making it super easy to follow along if you wanted to give it a try yourself. I appreciate how the book emphasizes the importance of self-care and taking the time to nurture your skin. .

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